Friday, September 19, 2008

Jessica Simpson is stinky!!

So I loved newlyweds... I cried when Nick and Jessica split up and I've rooted for her along the way. She's a girl with talent, and I'm happy she has found some commercial and critical success in the country market, however I wish she would stop talking about passing gas! I don't know if this is her ridiculous attempt at shedding her hot girl image and becoming more authentic... but it's stupid. Jessica, please stop. Please, please, please... just stop. It's cringe inducing and not at all enderaing.

"You can get into an elevator and actually pass gas, and people still won't smell it." – Jessica Simpson, on the wonders of her new perfume Fancy, on Rachael Ray

"I do pass gas a lot. But I guarantee you it smells like roses."

‘I do pass gas a lot,’ she said at her concert.

"If you want to date me, you have to be OK with camera flashes," she said. "You have to be OK with people telling you that you're dating a dumb butt. You have to allow me to pass gas under the sheets." People cheered, and she dedicated the song, "Man Enough," to "anyone who thinks they're man enough for me -- and I spend too much money, too!"


Taylor said...


Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

And I am sooo annoyed with all of the People articles about how much she loves Tony! Did she not learn from her last failed relationship that thrusting your love life into the spolight may not be good for a relationship....just my thoughts!